perm filename SCHLUM.LET[AM,DBL] blob sn#534509 filedate 1980-09-11 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002							Prof. D. B. Lenat
C00006 ENDMK
						Prof. D. B. Lenat
						Computer Science Dept.
						Stanford University
						Stanford, Ca. 94305
						Sept. 11, 1980

Dr. James Baker
Schlumberger-Doll Research Center
Ridgefield, Conn.

Dear Dr. Baker,

Below are the expenses for my recent trip to SDRC.  The bulk of my airfare
expenses were paid by IBM, with whom  I also spent one day.  Receipts  are

Hotel				$ 70
Airfare (from Burlington, Vt.)	  71
Rental car 			  71
Meals  				  16

Consulting (one day)		$350

						Prof. D. B. Lenat
						Computer Science Dept.
						Stanford University
						Stanford, Ca. 94305
						Sept. 11, 1980

Dr. Richard Gumpert
IBM Research Laboratory
Burlington, Vermont

Dear Dr. Gumpert,

I enjoyed my recent visit to  your laboratory, and benefited from some  of
the suggestions  and  comments which  were  made  to me.   Thank  you  for
inviting me; if  I intend  to be  in the New  England area  again I  shall
contact you about a possible return visit.  It might be productive for  me
to deliver a  lecture on AI  in general and  my research  (knowledge-based
expert systems) in particular.   Also, Professor Michael Genesereth  (here
at Stanford) is interested in coming  to speak sometime about his  program
which performs causal reasoning to  diagnose and treat hardware faults  in
IBM equipment.

Enclosed are receipts for the expenses incurred; here are the totals:

Hotel			$ 37
Meals			  12
Cabfare			   5
Parking (at SFO airport)  22
Airfare			 445  (this is much lower than the standard
				coach cross-country fare, because
				I travelled via New York City)
Honorarium		 250

There is an industrial affiliates program  here at Stanford, to which  IBM
Yorktown and  IBM San  Jose already  belong; I  am taking  the liberty  of
sending you (in  a separate letter)  some literature about  the costs  and
benefits of membership.


Douglas  B.  Lenat